What Are Tech Acquisitions?

What is Technology? “Tech” is a short term that encompasses many things and people use different definitions to describe them. The most commonly used definition is “The practice of applying technological methods and equipment to accomplish a particular purpose”. Technological change is defined by Oxford Dictionary as the development of new skills or appliances for a new or improved application. In other words, to develop new means to improve something that has already been done. In other words, it is a general term that covers any changes that involve man, material, or energy.

Some notable individuals in this list of tech giants are Microsoft, Apple, Google, Cisco, Whirlpool, AT&T, Watson, Dyson, Xerox, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Dell. Microsoft was one of the first software companies to use the Internet as a marketing tool. It was known for creating and releasing Office Suite, the first desktop software package, in the 90’s, which remains one of the largest software packages in its industry today. Bill Gates was also responsible for designing the Windows operating system, which remains one of the biggest software packages in use today.

Microsoft acquired Corel from Bell Labs and then bought the networking company Netscape. The two companies made a deal to work together on internet technology. Microsoft made a few more acquisitions and is now known mainly through its purchase of XP operating systems, and Office Suite, but it is worth noting that it was not a simple acquisition. Gates had to fight for control of the company, and his hard work has paid off with an industry-changing product like XP. Additionally, Microsoft acquired PayPal, a company that is valued at over $75 billion, after it successfully completed a mega-merger with eBay.

In terms of electronics tech, one of the most recent acquisitions is Motorola. The two companies made a deal where Motorola would provide the source code for Android, and Microsoft would develop the interface for it. The acquisition came about after Motorola failed to produce a smart phone that ran on the mobile platform created by Google. Instead, the two companies worked together to develop the operating system, which was then released as a free program. In this acquisition, Microsoft proved that it is serious about its goal of being a leader in computer technology, and it showed that it is committed to developing its own devices.

The third acquisition is linked to social media platform LinkedIn. Tech investors, who have been cautious about investing in LinkedIn because of the fear of user fraud, saw opportunity in this acquisition. LinkedIn uses its massive user base to help connect individuals who might be connected to each other. Therefore, the acquisition of LinkedIn helped to increase visibility of Tech companies on the social media platform.

These are just some of the acquisitions that Tech has made in recent years. While many of them were not successful, such acquisitions show that Tech is serious about looking into new innovations and creating new platforms that can differentiate itself from the rest of the field. This may prove to be important for Tech, given the fact that a large number of technology innovators are looking to enter the market. However, the acquisitions help Tech avoid making mistakes, as it will have an easier time building upon the successes it has already made in this arena. Given these acquisitions, it is clear that Tech is serious about building upon its reputation as the leading innovator in the industry.